Suzi Beech and Family

This blog is about my family and my trials and tribulations as a work-from-home mom of twins.

I’m no seamstress! July 2, 2009

I am getting ready for our Girl Scout troop to march in our neighborhood’s 4th of July Parade.  It’s going to be great fun, but there is one thing I am just dreading.  It’s probably not a big deal to most other people, but I’m just so not

The patch that took an hour to sew on

The patch that took an hour to sew on

looking forward to this one little thing…sewing badges on my daughter’s Brownie vest.  I am horrible at sewing!  The last time I sewed on a badge it took me over an hour…seriously.  One badge per hour is not a good ratio! My thread broke twice, my knots came undone and the badge ended up crooked, even though I tried to make it perfect!

Once upon a time, back when I was around 10, I took a sewing class.  I sat myself down on the rug at this class with my fabric pieces and my needle and thread. I worked so hard, concentrated, tried to get my stitches just right.  Then, when it was time to put our work into our bins for next time, I stood up and realized I had sewn my entire project to the carpet.  It was very discouraging.  I never went back to that class and my sewing is still pretty much at that level.

My pile of badges

My pile of badges

I usually save all our Girl Scout and Cub Scout badges and patches for when my mom or cousin come to visit.  They’re both expert sewers and don’t seem to mind sewing all of them onto the proper uniform.  They even do all the rest of my sewing, too, like putting buttons back on things or repairing split seams.  It certainly doesn’t take them an hour per badge, I can tell you that!

Front of Brownie Vest

Front of Brownie Vest

Our Girl Scout troop is very active.

Back of vest

Back of vest

During the year, when we’re working on all our try-its and badge-earning projects, I think it’s just great.  Now, though, looking at my pile of 19 badges that need sewing and the vest with limited space left, I’m rethinking our plans for next year!  Of course, Ruby wants the badges all on her vest for this weekend’s parade.  I don’t blame her, but I don’t know if I have 19 hours to spare getting them on there!